A Three quarter angle view of the horse is attractive for head portraiture.
Be mindful of lighting when taking your photo’s. The colour of your horse’s coat can vary in photo’s depending on which light they were taken in.
Photos are best taken in daylight. The most attractive lighting for photography is early morning and late evening.
The clearer/sharper the photo of the horse, the more detailed your portrait will be. Blurry or out of focus images are very difficult to work from.
Choose an image that shows your horse’s personality.
Head Portraits look good with a minimal background but backgrounds can easily be changed or removed.
Photo’s are best taken up close rather than from a distance.
When taking your photo, it is best to stand with the camera level to your horses head, rather than looking up at them.
If you are not sure of which photo to choose, it might be helpful to send a few, and Susannah will help you decide which would be best for your portrait.